Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Trip Experiences

In our last CSM Email Announcements we asked readers to email us with their experiences. You can do the same! Send us your stories!

This summer I served with CSM in New York. It was a great experience for me. I grew spiritually and the Lord showed me a lot of things. I faced some of my fears and with the Lord's help I overcame them. I grew in my relationship with God and with my peers. I saw the Lord's mercy in the city and It was very exciting to see so much hope.
-Student from Miami, FL

I had such a great time in New York. I loved the prayer tour (though it was
very long) it was very inspiring and a great way to start the trip. I also
found it very interesting going to soup kitchens and food distribution sites
to help out and actually interact with the people we serve. I also loved the
experience of eating new foods everyday! My favorite was the Polish food. I
will never forget the sour cream and applesauce mixture. :) I had a really
amazing time and I can't wait to go on another trip next year!
-Student from Victorville, CA

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