Monday, December 17, 2012

Advent - Joy

“I get joy when I think about what He’s done for me!”  I love this line in one of my favorite gospel songs.  It is a simple and catchy tune and 100% accurate.  I truly am filled with joy when I reflect on what God has done for me.  This is similar to Mary’s delight found in Luke 1:46-49.  She states the following after finding out she would be the mother of the Son of God:

“And Mary Said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.  From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.’”

Can we just take a moment to try to imagine Mary’s joy?  What if the Lord appeared to us, us common folk, and said we were going to carry the Son of God?  What if God considered you or I so special, so wonderful, so worthy, and so loved—to carry the Son of God?!?  The humble and miraculous joy must have been almost unbearable for Mary. 

Now for the crazy part.  We can and do carry the Son of God!  Through the Holy Spirit we can experience the same indwelling of God, the same miraculous power and mercy that Mary spoke of in the Luke passage.  Oh, the joy that arises when I think about the fact that God considers us so special, so wonderful, so worthy, so loved that we have the opportunity and privilege to carry around the Spirit of God!

If everything around us appears gloom, depressing, and hopeless, there will always and forever be one thing to bring us joy—the knowledge that God dwells in and amongst us.  We are loved.  Mary experienced it over 2000 years ago and we can experience it today.  Thank  you, Jesus! 

Rebekah Bolin, CSM Los Angeles Associate City Director

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