Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The District

As I flew in flight
arriving for my first night
I wondered of the things to come
and the word of God to be done
wondering why He had chosen me
“Really God, I am to help Thee?”

I guess that first meal in my new place
helped me see that this Summer would not be measured in time or space
for God wanted to show me his face
and that beautiful thing we translate as Grace
in the chaotic and fast paced place

And, so we met as a staff

little did we know how much we would laugh
little did we know how much we would struggle
little did we know how much we would encounter
little did we know how much we would grow

I guess that goes to show
that with God life is a constant and reassuring ebb and flow
and that trying to know
what he has planned for us to show

those that we meet
those that we greet
that we may in essence, wash their feet
and, in this Holy Place meet

In some way
In some form
We realized yet again,
why we were born.

- Tim, CSM Washington DC Summer 2012 City Host

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