Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Processing the City

This is the city I fell in love with.

And honestly, it was not so much the city itself that I fell for. It was the people, the part I got to play in others lives, the lessons God taught me, the community I lived in, the way I saw Jesus moving. The city represents something new in my life.
Now I find myself in the process of processing. This summer has immersed itself into my life and my way of thinking. I see people on the corners holding signs and I think of JR who was a giant of a man and would fly a blank piece of cardboard so the police could not take him in for flying a sign “It’s not a sign if nothings on it”
I keep asking myself why am I doing things? What is the point? Am I being obedient?
Sometimes the answers to those questions awaken me. Sometimes they excite me. And sometimes they slap me in the face.
The process of processing is slowly happening in my life and well, I’m not real sure how to word it because I don’t quite get it myself yet.
But, I do know that God is moving and sovereign and has a lot in store for myself and the people I met this summer: staff, hosts, homeless, and youth. I am astounded by how well He knows me and my needs. This morning I ran into a lady from the church I grew up in. We chatted a moment about what God was doing and then prayed together. Then, I had a question for one of the other hosts and they asked me how I was and then challenged me with some stuff we had talked about this summer.
So whatever you are trying to process through right now just know that He knows your needs. Seek Him and He is so ready to encourage you and love on you.
-Jody Glazner, CSM Nashville Summer 2009 City Host

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