Tuesday, July 21, 2009

God is at work in Toronto!

As I sat down to blog about what has occurred at CSM Toronto over the last 2 weeks I found myself at a loss. Not because God was doing little, but instead because He has been doing so much. Do I talk about how God has matured each of us hosts and formed us into a group that is closer than I could have imagined? Do I mention how impressed I am that God has brought drastically different groups to serve Him in Toronto?
When it comes down to it, I think the thing that has impressed me the most with God and His work is how I have seen Him challenge the kids, whom I have been blessed to lead in service. Over the last two weeks, I have seen kids come to Toronto with presuppositions about the homeless and a strong "Us/Them" mentality. I have been blessed with the opportunity to hear one girl articulate her emotions so well, "When I came here, I thought that all homeless people were lazy bums. Through this week, I have seen that people who live on the streets are no different than I am. Many of them have not been blessed with the family that I have grown up in or have had a couple of events reshape what their life looks like."
This is just one of many ways that I have seen God work though the youth who have spent a week here in Toronto. I thank God that He has called me to be a part of CSM Toronto and their mission to raise up leaders in the Church who desire to live out James 1:26-27. "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

-S. Daniel Hendon, CSM Toronto Summer 2009 City Host

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