Monday, October 25, 2010

Re-hydrating Houston

At CSM Houston, many of our groups participate in "Operation Hydration," taking bottles of water to the homeless and getting a chance to meet them and dialogue with them where they live. For many participants, the experience of meeting a homeless person and discovering commonality with them breaks down stereotypes and changes the issue of homelessness from one of statistics to one of relationships. It also gives us a chance to love people where they are and bless them with something practical. In a Houston Summer, water is always practical.

A Houston-based foundation is doing this on a massive scale. Several of our ministry partners serve as distribution sites for the I Am Waters Foundation's effort to hydrate the homeless. They have given over 80,000 bottles of water to the homeless this summer. To read more, click here!

-Paul Randall, CSM Houston City Director


Shahana Shafiuddin said...

Well done.

Goodnight Tuesday said...

What a worthwhile thing to do, Good luck with it!

dmarks said...

Interesting. I honestly had never heard of such a charitable interest before (giving out water)