Monday, October 30, 2006

Heart of Service = Learning to Love

Something I did not expect to learn on this trip was love. I thought we would only learn to help, but that is not even close to what we learned. I learned that a person can not help without loving someone as much as you love a family member. It helps when you understand their problems and put yourself in their shoes and love them for who they are. When I learned to love I realized so much. I understood the hardships people were put through and it hurt me a lot more because I really cared and wanted to help but knew I couldn’t do it all in one week while I was there. I am really thankful that they taught me how to love. It has opened my eyes to see greater things and to also feel greater things also. Before I could be somewhat sad to see or hear about homeless people on the news or a movie or in a book. Now I know and understand after being there and showing how much I loved the people and wanted to help. Its given me a greater understanding of things now.

-Student from Kansas, served at CSM Houston July 2006

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